stays ahead of the curve once again, by becoming the very first Internet Radio App to become available for download from the NEW Apple TV 4 App Store. Previous Apple TV versions did not have access to outside independent Apps until Apple TV 4. Directly after the release of our newly designed "Smooth Global" Mobile App for iOS & Android phones and tablets, we began development on our new Apple TV version of the App, to allow our Apple TV listeners to upgrade their listening experience to Global Radio + Global Radio, from the old iTunes Internet Radio listings to a fully designed Apple TV Radio App.
Now Apple TV 4 users can stream our mixes through their homes or offices or studios by downloading the FREE app and toggling between the PLAY logos to choose the station that fits their vibe.
VIEW Apple TV 4 Menu - "Smooth Global"
VIEW "Smooth Global" App - How It Works
Our new "Smooth Global" Apple TV 4 App was designed by Co-founder/VP Design Donna K. Phillips and developed by our Appstructors in Germany.